Answers to Medicine Questions

Medicine, physiology, pathology, bacteria and viruses, pharmacology, food, hormones, neuroscience and psychology...

09 July 2006

I am 100% allergic to onion, garlic, leeks, chives and the rest of those allium-based things. What is it about this...

09 July 2006

I heard a report that bacteria in our gut and our immune system respond to things in our local environment. So is there...

09 July 2006

The common reaction to allergy is a rash. Why is this and what good does it do?

02 July 2006

Why do people go bald?

02 July 2006

I tend to get awful headaches that fall under the migraine classification but I notice that they're weather...

25 June 2006

When I go to the GP, I often get my blood pressure tested. How often do the instruments that are used for this kind of...

25 June 2006

Why is it that when I eat spicy foods my tongue burns and I sweat like crazy? Also, why is it that when I drink water,...

25 June 2006

Why do living tissues turn black after being exposed to critically low temperatures?

25 June 2006

What causes labyrinthitis and is there a cure?

18 June 2006

There's a myth (or is it truth) that urine from a human can negate a jellyfish sting. Is that an urban legend?

28 May 2006

When I take a painkiller, how does it know where the pain is?

28 May 2006

Why doesn't nature make any straight lines?

28 May 2006

If someone has an amputation, do they get high blood pressure because there's less body space for the blood to...

28 May 2006

I learnt in school many years ago that food takes 12 to 24 hours to travel through the body. As I've got older,...

21 May 2006

Why do instruments from different countries not go well together?

14 May 2006

Have we got a time bomb in the population with mad cow disease?

30 April 2006

I've been blind for forty years and when I dream, I can still see. I can see things I haven't seen like my...

30 April 2006

Can you please repeat how many tonnes of blood the heart pumps in twenty four hours.

30 April 2006

Why is it that when I pull out my nose hair I get a really painful teary response?

23 April 2006

How does a lie detector work?

02 April 2006

Why does a round pizza come in a square box?

02 April 2006

How does meningitis affect the brain? I had it when I was younger and I think it might have affected my ability to...

02 April 2006

We all know that music can affect mood. Why does it change our mood?

02 April 2006

Why is it if you see somebody get punched in the nose, you go ouch?