Science articles and medical features written by scientists internationally...

17 May 2009

Is urine bad? Yes, when it ends up on the bathroom floor. What can be done to avoid these unaesthetic accidents? As...

04 May 2009

What will the vaccines of tomorrow look like? Recent advances in crop technology mean that we are able to produce...

27 April 2009

What happens when a human child grows up with a chimpanzee brother? Does a dog think that a robot dog belongs to the...

16 April 2009

In 1943 a chemist working in Basel became the first person to experience the effects of LSD, albeit by accident. But...

04 April 2009

What can microfossils tell us about past climate? Christopher Stanton resumes his story...

19 January 2009

Physics is full of surprises, but none so great as the discovery that 95% of the mass of the Universe is invisible to...

25 October 2008

Surprising as it sounds, one of the world's top tipples a century ago was laced with cocaine. And although the...

20 October 2008

Ion channels are miniature pores in the membranes of cells. They're the gatekeepers controlling which ions can...

04 October 2008

Flies are creatures of habit - at least that's what the latest research on the fruit fly Drosophila has found. In...

20 August 2008

Why am I so cranky when I don’t get enough sleep? And why was it all better once I had a good night rest?

06 August 2008

Picking scabs. We all do it, and funnily enough, we all squirm when we think about it...

16 July 2008

Simpsons fans will know only too well the opening sequence to the cartoon in which Homer discovers, during his commute...

16 June 2008

The buzz of a bumblebee is one of the quintessential sounds of summer time. But this ‘slender sound’ and ‘faint...

09 June 2008

Since scientists discovered how DNA behaves like a giant genetic recipe book encoding the entire suite of proteins...

02 June 2008

Every day our bodies are assailed by microbes of all descriptions, but for the most part we successfully fend them off...

24 May 2008

Recent Mars missions have produced compelling evidence for what was once a wet world, where life could well have...

18 May 2008

The European Parliament voted recently to include CO2 emissions from the aviation industry in its carbon trading scheme...

22 April 2008

I.Q. scores have been rising steadily, by about 3 points per decade, ever since they were first administered. This is...

14 April 2008

Do microscopic fossils hold the key to understanding climate change? Scientists studying tiny marine shellfish called...

09 March 2008

Scientists have brought the world one step closer to the creation of the first artificial organism with the recent...

01 March 2008

The feasibility of a female oestrus amongst humans had been dismissed by the masses. But now a study of tipping amongst...

21 February 2008

When the clipper ship Southern Cross sailed into a living hell off Chile during the night of 2 September 1859, little...

01 February 2008

Scientists recently spotted a planet being born. It's just formed and is still enshrouded within the disk of dust...

26 January 2008

Just as winter follows summer, the chances are you'll catch a cold this winter - but what is the sticky stuff that...