The Oldest Light in the Universe

In this launch edition of Naked Astronomy, we report on how the Planck probe is seeing the oldest light in the Universe, the Rosetta mission flyby en-route to a distant comet, how...
20 November 2009
Presented by Ben Valsler


Naked Astronomy - Thrusting Space Science into the Audio Dimension


In this launch edition of Naked Astronomy, we report on how the Planck probe is seeing the oldest light in the Universe, the Rosetta mission flyby en-route to a distant comet, how LCROSS executed a deft lunar impact and what it revealed, how the LRO has imaged the Apollo landing sites and how Herschel promises to shed some light on the deep dark depths of space. Plus, your cosmological questions answered including, what's a quasar, why are the rings of Uranus vertical, do astronauts age more rapidly and could we brighten up the full moon with a giant lunar reflector...?


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